Liam Kirk
Finance Professional
Liam Kirk is a Finance Professional with a passion for community leadership. An active local volunteer, Liam Kirk is passionate about taking charge for the betterment of his community.
Training & Qualifications
Liam Kirk is a Finance Professional eager to launch his career. He maintains a Bachelor of Science degree in Finance and Wealth Management with additional specialization in Management Information Systems. Liam Kirk aspires to set his professional focus in the way of Wealth Management, while eagerly embracing the opportunity to develop his skill set in other specialized areas of financial services. While pursuing his Bachelor’s degree, Kirk actively embraced networking opportunities. As a result, he was a highly active and hands-on member of the Hens of Wall Street Finance Club, which focused on stock exchange discussions. He also participated in the Lerner Executive Mentoring Program and a Youth Mentoring Partnership.
Active Volunteer
Some professionals claim to be roll-up-their-sleeves types when it comes to leadership. Liam Kirk is more than that… he’s not only willing to roll up his sleeves to do his part, but he also has the leadership strength to take charge where necessary. His volunteer work opportunities have fostered that sense of community consciousness and commitment to the people who make up his local area. Liam Kirk has volunteered with the Upper Main Line Rotary and Coatesville Veterans Hospital and aspires to one day join the Rotary Club as an established professional. A proud supporter of the United States Military, Kirk found the opportunity to volunteer at the Veterans Hospital to be both an enriching and rewarding experience. Veterans are key components to any community and the opportunity to give back and help out his heroes is always a fulfilling experience for Kirk.
Finance Professional
Liam Kirk is a Finance Professional specializing in Wealth Management. Here on his official website, Kirk hosts a blog series covering all things finance: from private equity announcements to opportunities for aspiring finance professionals. It is Kirk’s intention that this blog series will act as not only a form of financial journalism, but also a platform that aspiring professionals can turn to for advice! He looks forward to sharing his journey as a Wealth Manager here on his website. Stay tuned for future blog series featuring finance, private equity and wealth management by Liam Kirk.